What's wrong with this?

    Date: 09/16/06 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: php

    I am trying to make a bookmark script to set a cookie for the current page, to be used by a PHP extension.  But it only partially works.
    location.reload() works, but history.go(0); doesn't.  What am I missing here? or is there any alternative to it?

    Note, this is written for me so compatibility/user-friendly isn't an issue.
    Further more this is the code before I cut out the comments, CRLF, and other extraneous white space.

       var myKey = window.prompt("Session Key","Sentix");
       document.cookie = "XDEBUG_SESSION="+myKey; //Sets the XDEBUG cookie
       if(window.confirm("Ok = attempt soft reload/cancel = hard reload"))
            history.go(0); //Try Soft reload
            location.reload();//Hard reload
    }else {

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/javascript/112586.html

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