pop up is popping under

    Date: 10/31/06 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: html, java

    i have a page that is supposed to pop open a calendar in a small window. i call it with just


    this pops up a little window and everything is nice. however, in internet explorer, the calendar window pops up, then drops behind the parent window. i've verified this on several machines and with several people... it's not just user error/frantic clicking.

    i assume the problem lies here:

    var vWinCal = window.open("", "Calendar","width=200,height=250,status=no,resizable=yes,top=200,left=200");
    vWinCal.opener = self;
    var calc_doc = vWinCal.document;
    calc_doc.write (str_buffer);

    the entire messy function, which is a modified version of this


    is behind the cut

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/javascript/116175.html

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