Creating Usermaps in MSIE

    Date: 11/01/06 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: java

    Has anyone had an issue creating usemaps for images using Javascript?

    The problem I've been having is related to this code:

    this.titleTopImage = document.createElement("img");
    this.titleTopImage.setAttribute("src", this.topImagePath);
    this.titleTopImage.setAttribute("display", "block");
    this.titleTopImage.setAttribute("usemap", "#close");
    this.titleTopImage.setAttribute("style", "border: none");

    this.titleMap = document.createElement("map");
    this.titleMap.setAttribute("id", "close");
    this.titleMap.setAttribute("name", "close");

    this.titleArea = document.createElement("area");
    this.titleArea.setAttribute("shape", "rect");
    this.titleArea.setAttribute("coords", "137,3,148,13");
    this.titleArea.setAttribute("href", "javascript: GLT.clickOutElm(true)");

    What it doesn't do for me is that it doesn't create the usermap for this area in the MSIE. Whereas the same area seems linked and ready to go in Firefox. Do you code the usermap differently for MSIE? Or is there something I'm not seeing here?

    Thanks in advance.


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