Help a librarian ... get a present :)

    Date: 11/08/06 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: technology, java

    Hi, I'm new to both this community and JavaScript.

    Will try to make it short and sweet.

    I'm in library school, and the instructor for my technology course wants us to write a "simple" JavaScript function that displays the titles and URLs of appropriate search engines and directories, depending on the age the the user inputs.

    The instructor has written the program, and we just have to write one function within the program.

    This is an ungraded assignment, by the way. But I'm too stubborn to just let it go. I have to know why it's wrong.

    I'm on my fifth revision at the moment, and I just can't take looking at the code anymore. I've been to the teaching assistant, and even he doesn't know what's wrong with it.

    So, here's the URL.

    If anyone could tell me how to get the information to display, I'll make you a present. How about a user icon? I'm pretty handy with the Photoshop. :)

    < /shameless begging >


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