WANTED: form generator.

    Date: 12/14/06 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: asp, web

    @ my work i have started placing messages on accounts in which mail has bounced back. so a typical message would look like:

    NEEDS ADDRESS AND ID: 1234 BromhanWay, UT 8116 was returned undeliverable 11-21-2006. The envelope was marked as "No Such Number".

    The problem is, I don't want to have to type this message out every time and editing, copying and pasting is cumbersome and has the potential to give mistakes back to me.

    So, what I would like to do is have a simply box fill in for various field and then have it post back immediately on the same webpage the results.


    NEEDS ADDRESS AND ID: was returned undeliverable . The envelope was marked as .

    Then you would enter the data in the boxes and click

    The page would then put all the data in a box below for easy copy/paste access:

    This is the only resource I have found thus far on it:

    any suggestions?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/javascript/119590.html

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