Show/Hide Elements Question

    Date: 02/03/07 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: java, web

    Hello everyone,
    I have been stuck on a JavaScript question and hoped someone here might have an answer.

    Here is my situation:
    I am currently designing a webpage that will have hide/show elements. The idea is to list names along the left-hand side, and when one clicks the name, to have the corresponding biographical information appear in a section to the right. I found code for this from an online tutorial.

    Quick One Page Information

    Page 1

    This is some content for page 1. It's cool.

    Page 2

    This is some content for page 2. It's cooler.

    Page 3

    This is some content for page 3. It's coolest.

    The problem comes when I want to create a link on a separate webpage to a specific element. In other words, I would like to create a link elsewhere on the web that will load the webpage with the desired biographical information showing. I could not figure out a way to do this.
    Does anyone have any suggestions for a way to create this kind of link? Or would there be better code to use for this purpose?
    Thank you for your time! :)


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