Lightbox Solution

    Date: 07/15/07 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: php, html, sql, java, web

    I'm working on a new website, and for many of the functions, I really want to replace all the damned annoying popups with much more friendly code. Why even have popups? Well, for instance, in the message forum, you often get a popup when you get a new IM. In the Gallery, if you click on a single image, it is annoying to do a new pageload for that, and then go back and reload the old pack just to select another image.

    For many functions, Lightbox is a great solution, but it isn't everything I'm looking for. There are plenty of Lightbox variants. My favorite two are the following: - This is based of Lightbox 2, but adds native slideshow support, more keyboard controls, etc. - In many ways, head and shoulders above all Lightbox clones. The window can be dragged around, can include html, Flash, forms, whatever. You can have an event to pass information back and forth between the popup and original window, etc.

    I love the transition effect of Lightbox 2, and the opacity of the windows in Litbox. I love the prev/next/slideshow features of Lightbox 2, and the fact that you can drag the Litbox windows around. I like the keyboard controls of Lightbox 2, and the fact that you can include all kinds of content in the Litbox window.

    I know enough PHP and SQL to get myself in trouble, and enable myself to break/build a site to my liking. However, my javascript knowledge consists of copying and pasting. I have no clue what I'm doing. Is there some soul who like me, sees the benefit of a powerful Lightbox clone that combines many of the features from these two?

    I'd be extremely grateful if someone can help me out.


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