tag after my
    Isn't IE supposed to work when you use a tbody?

    Date: 07/23/07 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: java

    I have a table containing names and contact details for customers.  I have a

tag, and a tag before my
tag, which I thought meant that IE could then work with the table.  In any event, one of my Javascript functions is supposed to add two rows and then populate them.

I won't paste the code unless people really want to see it, because it is incredibly long, but I basically use createElement to produce many elements, four elements and two elements.  I then use appendChild to place the elements into the elements, the elements into the elements, and the elements into my existing .

In Firefox this works fine.  In IE, as soon as I click the button which should execute the function, I get an 'error on page' message in the Status bar.  I have the IE developer's toolbar installed, but it seems to not have any Javascript debugging functions like the Firefox one does.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Source: http://community.livejournal.com/javascript/137585.html

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