Validation help!

    Date: 08/02/08 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: programming, java

    Can someone please help me with this JavaScript. I have some of the validation done, but I don't know how to finish it.
    I have the following code:

    Online Bookstore

    Select the book


    Do you want a free subscription to the newsletter?

    Yes No


    Free Information Book List:

    Delivery Information







    Please ignore all of the div classes. I'm using those to format it later. Anyways, when someone presses the submit button, I need to validate that none of the following are left blank:
    name, address, state, zipcode, phone number, email address.
    I also need to validate that the email address is 5 or more characters long, the email has a period in it, there is at least 3 letters after the period, that a book has been selected from the "select the book" drop down menu, and the Qty is at least 1. I need everything to pop up in one box. Also, if everything is filled out correctly, I need to display a message confirming the book selection and the number of books.


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