Using Javascript to search a share point list

    Date: 07/16/10 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: asp, java, web

    I found this code a while ago that creates a drop down search box that will search a sharepoint list. I am extremely new to this so I am clueless in how I can modify this code to suit my needs. The code redirects to the same page with querystring data added to the URL. I was able to modify the drop down list and I changed the Column names to match the columns in my list. I changed to column names because it wasnt returning any records and I believe it is because it is referencing the columns that dont match my list. Once I did that it didnt work, It wouldnt return any records. I have a feeling it is because of this piece of code:

    Search Field:
    Search text:

    X-posted to webdesign & javascript


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