HELP! Image based on the day's date?
Date: 04/20/05
(Javascript Community) Keywords: java
What the most efficient way to insert an image based on the day's date?
For example, on Monday April 18, 2005 it would generate:
[img src=""]
I ended up doing this ...
[SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript"]
var today = new Date();
var Year = takeYear(today);
var Month = leadingZero(today.getMonth()+1);
var Day = leadingZero(today.getDate());
function takeYear(theDate)
x = theDate.getYear();
var y = x % 100;
y += (y < 38) ? 2000 : 1900;
return y;
function leadingZero(nr)
if (nr < 10) nr = "0" + nr;
return nr;
document.write ('[img src="' + Year + Month + Day + '.jpg"]');
// --]
But I still need a hand writing code to check to see that the image exists before inserting it, and if not continuing to subract a day from the date until it found an image.
Anyone have any idea how I could do this?