IE Error

    Date: 05/19/05 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: no keywords

    Sorry I keep re-editing the post. I've narrowed the issue down to something that shouldn't throw an error at all. I know that the TABLE element with an ID of "lvlTable" is there, this code works just fine in Firefox. I guess the only thing that I can think of is that there is other code interfering, but I don't know if that's the case or that this error can be caused by that.

    Error: Object doesn't support this property or method.


    function delLevels(newLvlCount) {
    	lvlTable = document.getElementById("lvlTable");

    Any help is greatly appreciated!

    EDIT: Turns out, IE didn't like the use of the variable lvlTable...probably because I was using elsewhere in the script. Stupid IE.


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