Imagemaps and onClick

    Date: 06/12/05 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: html, java, web

    Hey Java guys and gals,

    I'm working on using an imagemap as a main navigation for my band's website. If you go to and click on the HTML site button, you'll get to the mainpage which is simply one big image map.

    I'm trying to make the "News" button open the Band News page in a another window created by the function doNew1(). Here's the code:

    for my image map news area:

    onmouseover="window.status = '- Band News -'; return true"

    onmouseout="window.status = '- The Official Eric Stevens Website -'; return true" href="#">

    and for the script:

    function doNew1() {

    var myPic1 = ""

      if ( == null) {

        myPic1 ="newsshell.html","subwindow","width=600,height=400,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,copyhistory=no, resizable=no,left=200,top=250,screenX=200,screenY=250")

      } else{




    The problem is that the window will not open when you click in the News area at all. I tried using the same onClick command with an image and a regular HREF and it seems to work fine.

    So, why is it not working in the imagemap, am I missing something?
    Please help, I have tried practically everything, thanks!



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