to print or not to print.

    Date: 07/13/05 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: no keywords

    I have a bit of a task... Hope some one can help. I will first try to explain the situation then post what i have so far as code.

    We have a set of about 150 graph pages all the graphs are pulled into the pages via iframes *you can start laughing now* I didnt create this i just have to put a bandaid on it.

    We have a print button which is set to print the iframe and it works fantasticly.... Aslong as theres only 1 iframe to print. Asoon as theres 2 or more it errors. Does not print anything.

    They would preffer NOT to touch all 150 pages. to fix this. The print button is in an include so aslong as i change the print button and not the pages we wont have to touch all 150 pages.

    One idea was to incapsulate the iframes in an iframe so it would print everything in that iframe WHICH does work but would take 150 extra pages to do so. <-- would rather not do this.

    is there a way to make the print button print all iframes? without having to touch all the pages? heres an example of the code we have so far.">

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