I am a sad n00b

    Date: 01/28/05 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: java, web

    Even worse, I have a simple question. u_u Anyway, I'm Chrystal, I love to web/graphic design. Currently I'm taking Web 2 and we are starting javascript... I am confused about something:

    I'm simply coping the book so I can see if I can even do that properly. It's a simple "enter your name" pop up script but it doesn't work like it should-- as followed by in the book:

    var name; // string entered by the user

    // read the name from the prompt box as a string
    name = window.prompt( "Please enter your name:", "" );

    document.writeIn( "Hello, " + name +
    ", welcome to blah!" );

    Now, that doesn't work. I took out the "In" in writeIn, and then it does work. Is my book wrong then? Or is there something I missing for it to work with the "document.writeIn" thing?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/javascript/54381.html

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