Make a div behave like a window shade...

    Date: 02/06/06 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: no keywords

    I have a page with several hidden divs. They are pre-loaded with content and format.

    On the visible part of the page are objects with onClick hooks. When I click one of the objects, the onClick event will display one of the hidden divs. Click another onClick object, the previously opened div hides and a different hidden div is shown.

    this happens so instantly that it's not apparent that a new div is showing.

    i would like for the divs to dynamically open by growing down (from height:2px to the clientHeight (or a set max))

    before a new div opens, any open div rolls up and closes.

    i'm working on this for a free tool i'm about to let loose, i'm not finding enough available time to work on it.

    can you locate any such code that does this already? or are you willing to cobble something together?


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