Finding the value of a pull-down menu
Date: 02/27/06
(Javascript Community) Keywords: no keywords
I've been working on my huge form some more and I think I've narrowed down at least one of the problems to the following code:
function updateReg() {
var title = "";
var dateIndex = calculateDate();
RegFees = 0;
var which = ""+i;
var sel = eval(which+".selectedIndex");
alert("i = " + i + ", sel = " + sel);
var t = eval(which+".options["+sel+"].value");
alert("i = " + i + ", t = " + t);
if(t != "--Choose One--")
title += "R"+i+" - "+t+" - $"+Categories[sel][dateIndex]+".00\n";
RegFees += Categories[sel][dateIndex];
document.form1.reg_title.value = title;
Especially this line:
var t = eval(which+".options["+eval(which+".selectedIndex")+"].value");
It works fine in Firefox but in IE I keep getting t="" instead of the value of the cat1 (cat2, etc) menu.