Search feature question

    Date: 10/06/06 (Microsoft Windows)    Keywords: yahoo, google

    Hello. New here. And I was just wondering: is there a way to keep your search features from recording all your typos or at least to temporarily erase them so that you can begin anew? The reason I ask is because I found it annoying that Windows XP records every typo you make you go to search for a particular person, site, or community on here in general. So far I've cleaned out my prefetch folder and deleted all my cookies, files, & history too; none of which had worked so far. Somehow I would think that it's an option that's similar to the clear search feature in the Yahoo/Google searchbars, but I honestly wouldn't know.

    Thanks in advance.

    PS: I am also tempted to delete Windows Msger, but will this cause my computer some major problems if I do?


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