Question on file sharing

    Date: 08/07/07 (Microsoft Windows)    Keywords: software

    At home, I have a desktop PC running Windows XP (home) and it is networked with a laptop running Windows Vista. I also have a cable Internet connection with a Linksys wireless router connecting the two computers. Now, normally I have no problems. The setup was easy and using it is usually a breeze. One of the problems that I've had was with file sharing. I turned on file sharing for both of my "Documents" folders on both machines. When I go to the laptop and go to access the documents folder (that's located on the desktop PC) over the network, I usually (not always, but usually) can see the shared folder. From there, I can access all of the subfolders and files with no problems, whatsoever. I have an excellent signal with the router so I know that can't be causing any problems.

    The main problem I have is when I use the desktop PC to access the shared folder (on the laptop) I can't see it at all. I made sure in the settings that file sharing is turned on and still I can't see the folder. I went to the router's software and it detects the laptop perfectly. I have a great connection with the two computers but I can't seem to access the laptop's shared folder through the PC. I'm sure it's a simple solution; Maybe a setting that I need to change. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do???

    Thank you in advance.


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