Trouble deleting files

    Date: 11/22/07 (Microsoft Windows)    Keywords: no keywords

    Please help!

    The disk space on my hard drive seems to constantly fill up very quickly. I delete large files perennially but tonight decided to do a more thorough look at what exactly is taking up so much space. I searched for the ".avi" extension, which is the largest file extension I tend to have on my computer, & in the search results several .avi files appeared that I deleted several days, weeks, even months ago. They appeared along with the size details underneath, which said they were around 700mb each which is the standard size.

    I tried to delete these files from the search box window, but when I click on them it just says "file location not found". It seems that these files have disappeared off my computer, which would make sense as I deleted them, however they're still coming up in the search results.

    How can I rectify this? & are these files still physically taking up space on my hard drive?

    I use the OS Windows Vista.



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