Problem with Registration of Windows Vista

    Date: 01/22/08 (Microsoft Windows)    Keywords: software

    About half a year ago, My brother installed an upgrade of Windows Vista Home Premium on my notebook (it had Windows XP before, but the computer is Windows Vista Capable).

    Anyway, because my laptop was really slow, I decided to format the disk a few weeks ago and to install Windows Vista again.

    But now, I have a problem with the online registration. When I try that, I always get a message that the registration code has already been used. Which is kind of the truth, six months ago with my laptop…

    My brother, the computerwizard of my family, doesn’t know what the problem is. According to him it shouldn’t be a problem installing the same uprade/software again on a pc. We haven’t used it on any other pc!
    Anyway, he has checked all his sources but hasn’t come up with any solutions. The deadline is closing in the meantime, I’ve only got 5 more days for the registration before I can’t use my laptop again.

    Can someone give me some advice on how to solve this problem?


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