x posted

    Date: 11/30/05 (Microsoft Windows)    Keywords: no keywords

    hi. i juust found you guys (lj rules for communities) and i really need some help.

    i have windows xp, and i've been having this problem for a while. when i start up my computer, once in a while, after the windows xp logo comes up (with the little blue bullet that goes across the middle of the screen) the screen doesn't click to the part where you choose the icon to log in. instead, the monitor makes no sound at all, and stays black. FOREVER. the way i would fix it..was just stalling it i guess. i would hold down the F8 button during startup, and choose the 'start windows from last working startup' (something like that) and it would work fine.

    but i did something stupid, and experimented!

    i let it start up normally this time, and when the screen turned black, i wanted to see if it would still work properly, incase it was just the monitor acting weird. so i pressed the up button, and pressed enter. (my name is the first on the log-in list) the noise that comes on when your desktop starts loading came on, but no picture. still black. i restarted and the same thing happened, and then i restarted again, and did the 'last working configuration' thing again, and it stayed black, because it loaded up last time! ugh, i made a big mistake.

    do you think its the monitor or the computer?

    i'm in safemode with networking right now, and it sucks big time, most of you probably know how safemode is, and it isn't fun! its (i think) 640x640 resolution, with (the worst part) 4 bit color! ahhh. its driving me nuts, and i need my computer to work.

    any advice will help. i hope someone knows whats wrong.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/ms_windows/53119.html

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