
    Date: 01/04/06 (Microsoft Windows)    Keywords: no keywords

    hey guys, i don't know if you remember me, but i had a problem with my computer and i could only use it in safe mode. nothing would come up on the screen. i have xp and the loading windows logo would show up, but before and after that, the screen was black.

    well, i finally told my dad that there was something wrong with it (we're reallllly tight on money right now, so i didnt want to say anything to my parents)

    my dad called my godfather (they met in the navy, and he used to fix the computers) and he said it wouldn't be the video card if the windows loading logo came up. he told me to try and upload windows 98 or 95, one of those because he thought it was an OS error. my dad did this while i was out, so i don't know what happened but something didnt work. my godfather suggested trying xp again, and my dad went out and bought xp, which is about a hundred bucks at costco today. it's my xmas gift.

    i upgraded it, and it works perfectly fine now! :D i'm very happy to have my computer back :)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/ms_windows/55149.html

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