Keyboard Freeze

    Date: 04/27/06 (Mozilla)    Keywords: browser

    You guys solved my last problem, so let me see if you can solve my new one

    My keyboard frequently freezes up on Firefox. Everything else works, I can click links, scroll through pages, etc. But I just can't type. It happens all of a sudden and without cause. When this happens, I go to my other programs and typing is fine again. Just not on FF. I often have to close all the tabs and browsers and open up a new one in order to jumpstart my ability to type again

    Anyone know whats up?

    Oh and I'm running Firefox on a Mac OSX 10.4.6. I have the following extensions: All in One Sidebar, CTC, DOM Inspector, FlashGot, Image Zoom, ImageBot, Sage, Scrapbook, SearchPluginHacks, ShrinkThisLink Shrinker, Tab Mix Plus, and Talkback.

    Big thanks in advance.


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