trouble with thunderbird configuration out of school....

    Date: 05/19/06 (Mozilla)    Keywords: virus, web

    all right, i seem to have this issue whenever i come home from my college, and i've just never had the time to try to deal with it until now, since i'm here at home through the summer.

    when i'm up at my school, thunderbird works and functions properly. but when i come home (we only have dial-up access here currently) i can't get thunderbird to access my main email (my school email). when i used outlook express (prior to thunderbird, before OE disappeared from my computer), all i had to do was change the outgoing server address to our server here at home and that would be it. but that doesn't seem to work for thunderbird, and i'm getting fed up with this, because the webmail base program that my salem (my school) offers, does not offer virus scanning through it since it's an internet program.

    any help that any of you could give me would be GREATLY appreciated. thanks.....


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