Problem with Bookmarks and Mozilla preferences.

    Date: 06/15/06 (Mozilla)    Keywords: google

    I have a problem with my bookmarks. This isn't the usual "Help me, my bookmarks are missing" post though; surfing through the back pages helped with that. Close to a month back I updated Firefox so that I'm now running on and ever since then I've been having problem saving pages like I used to. I hit Ctrl+D to add the bookmark and that works fine, but when I click on that little arrow next to the Create In bar (So I can save it directly to a folder in a folder in a folder) nothing happens except that I can suddenly make a New Folder apparently. I've even stretched the box to see if it's opening it but not stretching it on it's own. It's not. Anyone have even the slightest clue how to fix it?

    This is what happens when I bring up the Add Bookmark:

    This is what happens when I hit the arrow:

    This is what happens when I stretch the box:

    My next problem is with Mozilla not saving my preferences. Every time I open Mozilla I have to reset my preferences (Maximize the window, add on the buttons, replacing Firfox toobar with Google toolbar and hiding the other part of the Google toolbar) and they never stay. Every single time I open Firefox I have to do this again because it resets back to what I assume is its default. It does this when I already have a window open, when I don't when I restart the computer... There isn't anything I can seem to find on my own to make any of this stay.

    Mozilla up with my preferences all fixed up nice:

    Mozilla (New window with the fixed-up one in background) without my preferences, the exact way it loads:

    Is there anyone here able to help me at all with either of these?


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