Inbox obliterated

    Date: 08/18/06 (Mozilla)    Keywords: spam

    I turned on my computer this morning, got Thunderbird started on checking my mail, & went to get some coffee. When I returned, my computer was in mid-reboot..come to find out that Windows Update had been busy updating. Grr.

    I open Thunderbird, & it just hangs there.."program not responding"..sheesh. Close it, open it back up (and it appears to open okay), set it to check mail, & am a bit concerned when my inbox appears empty..hmm okay, maybe it's taking a minute to load up. single e-mail (spam, no less) loads up & that's it..all of the previously existing contents of my inbox had vanished.

    Is there any way I can recover these (some very important) e-mails or am I screwed? Oh, I'm running Windows XP Home, for the record.


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