Where is SeaMonkey getting the name of my pic viewer from?

    Date: 10/27/06 (Mozilla)    Keywords: web

    URL as found on the net that demonstrates this problem:

    You'd probably have to have GIMP 2.0 installed to see this problem exactly, but in any case, the URL above sends a JPG image while the webserver sending it swears its an application, so you ought to get a dialog box nonetheless.

    SeaMonkey gives me a choice to:
    Open with the default application (TheGIMP20)
    Open it with [FILLINBLANKBOX]
    Save it to disk.

    OK, so the webmaster screwed up the JPG filetype and technically seamonkey is acting correctly, I've run into that before, its just one of those things and I guess its better to have the application follow standards. What's odd, however, is that opening the file with the default application has the same results as clicking on a file: it opens in windows picture and fax previewer.

    So where is SeaMonkey getting the string "TheGIMP20" from, anyways?

    Last I checked, it was called gimp-win-remote or something besides.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mozilla/376389.html

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