Nonsense in Firefox, Slackware 11 Xorg, and the scrolly mouse

    Date: 05/29/07 (Mozilla)    Keywords: web, microsoft

    This is sort of an embarassing problem, but I blame Microsoft for introducing something as stupid as a mouse clit with vertical and horizontal scrolling (circa 2003 or so) in the first place.

    I have the "standard" $12 microsoft optical mouse, the one that can be adapted to a USB port, connected to the PS/2 port.

    After changing the mouse detection to "Auto", the scroll wheel worked properly. It was previously set to PS/2 protocol. Fine.

    Imagine my horror when I started using firefox and really weird shit started happening with the scroll wheel. At first, it was the part where if you scroll down to the end of a webpage, it advances or retreats in history. WTF? Who thought that up?!? Why? Anyways, that was apparently a very common problem for all sorts of Firefox users. I wasted no time disabling that.

    Once I started scrolling with some vigor again, I noticed something odd: the mouse would scroll slower when I moved the scroll wheel fast. I thought nothing of it until I ended up at a page that didn't fit in the Firefox window horizontally or vertically.

    Scrolling fast actually scrolls diagonally thru the document.

    I went into about:config and changed all the settings for firefox horizontal scrolling with a mouse to zeros. The horrible horizontal scrolling stopped, but the paradoxical slow scrolling when moving the wheel quickly is still a hideous problem.

    I can't figure out if Firefox is just plain FUBAR (After the issue with Scrolling Thru History! function, I have zero faith in the ap's handling of mouse events) or if Xorg has decided that every genuine microsoft mouse ever made must have a joystick scroller - mine does not.


    Via KT400 with 1.833 Athlon, 768MB DDR333, nothing odd in /var/log/messages or dmesg. Never had this problem or anything like it with the previous install of RedHat 9 and Mozilla or SeaMonkey or anything else (tho in all fairness, the firefox package wouldn't even install in that OS, so who knows...)


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