help! extra instance of firefox. :(

    Date: 07/03/07 (Mozilla)    Keywords: browser

    Since upgrading to from previous version:

    A. Upon launch, a small Firefox box - with the minimize, full screen, close buttons (and the 'fox logo) comes up and docks itself to the upper left corner of my screen. It does nothing. A second, real browser window opens after a few moments, and it is with this window that I can check email, etc.

    B. Whenever I click on a link from Thunderbird, another instance of Firefox is also launched. The link opens up in a tab on the (main/first) browser window, and the new instance does the same thing, hang out in that corner - as shown in the screencap.

    So: How can I get rid of this extra instance of Firefox? Thanks in advance for your help.


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