Firefox input delay.

    Date: 09/07/07 (Mozilla)    Keywords: web, seo

    In Firefox, every action I take has a delay of 1-4 seconds. As I type this entry, the letters appear a few seconds after I hit the keys. This becomes a major hassle when filling out large forms and I can't tell where I'm at - if I'm tabbing through, I may have mistabbed or the keystrokes didn't register and I end up, say, putting my address in as my SSN. It's also just plain annoyong, as I mouseover a link and it doesn't indicate that I've done so until after I click it...then the click doesn't register until a few seconds after this. This is especially annoying when I'm doing QA testing on web applications. This behaviour also extends to the URL bar, search functions and menu options.

    I do not experience this delay with IE or any other program.
    I've cleared the Cache and restarted both FF and my computer many times over since this problem started.

    Any idea what may be going on and how I may fix it?
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070725 Firefox/


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