Right-click Executes in Download Manager

    Date: 11/11/07 (Mozilla)    Keywords: no keywords

    For some strange reason, my Firefox has begun to automatically execute--as if I were left-clicking--whenever I right-click. The context menu (if applicable) will still pop up, but the default action of the button/link occurs.

    It just started this afternoon for no apparent reason that I can comprehend. As far as I am aware, I haven't made any changes to Firefox recently, I haven't made any changes to my OS configuration recently, and I haven't installed any new programs recently. After the bug began to occur, I did go through with the upgrade from to just to see if that would resolve the issue, but it did not.

    Anyone have any ideas, suggestions, educated guesses, or wild guesses?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mozilla/404142.html

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