Firefox not saving most visited sites

    Date: 02/18/08 (Mozilla)    Keywords: no keywords

    So, you know how Firefox saves the sites you visit the most in the address bar with the drop-down arrow? I started Firefox this morning and it's acting like my I completely erased all my cookies because it's not loading any of my most visited sites. Even when I click on links, the blue link doesn't change to purple once I click it and doesn't register in my history. In fact, my history side-bar is completely blank. It doesn't have anything that I've visited even since opening Firefox this morning. I quit it and restarted it just in case it was a fluke, and it did the same thing. It's acting like I've never even used it before every time I restart it. Does anyone know why this could be? I'm on a Mac, by the way.

    ETA: I think I fixed it. Under the 'Privacy' tab in Preferences, the 'remember visited pages for the last __ days' was unchecked. I don't know how it happened, but it seems to be fixed now. Does anyone know what the standard number of days to remember is? I just put in 50, but I'm curious as to what the default setting is.


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