Script Problems.

    Date: 03/15/08 (Mozilla)    Keywords: browser, google

    My Grandfather's computer is running FireFox v2.0.0.12 and when he left on a trip everything was fine. When he came back apparently there are Script Problems.

    Everytime he tries to open the browser an error message lets him know that:
    "Warning: Unresponsive script

    A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see if the script will complete."

    I thought initially that his homepage ( was having issues so when I went over to fix it, I changed his homepage to google, tried it again and the same error message.

    He has no addins, extensions, or themes. It doesn't matter what his homepage is he gets this script error.

    I know I'm not much of a computer guy so any help would greatly be appreciated. Thanks


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