Firefox Pros and Cons

    Date: 04/15/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: software, browser, css, security, microsoft, google

    I'm not really looking for an answer in this post, mostly just the community's thoughts.

    The high school that I attend has internet access, like most other high schools now a days, but our computer tech seems to think that Internet Explorer is the browser of choice and won't even consider looking at anything else. He's dependant on Microsoft and can't really think outside of the box. Anyways, he told me that for him to do anything, the district would have to put Firefox (the browser that I'm pushing) on the "aproved software list". I can come up with several key "pros" that Firefox has over IE, but I was wondering if any of you could tell me some that I'm overlooking. Here's what I have:

    - Pop-up blocking
    - Correct CSS rendering
    - Tabbed Browsing
    - Increased stability (has only crashed once on me)
    - Increased security (in respect to its lack of security holes that have plagued IE since forever)
    - Easy access to various search engines
    - Constantly updated to fix security holes
    - Completely free

    If I have any misinformation, I was just led to believe it from whatever source, so sorry about that. I tried for any other differences but couldn't come up with any.

    Also, right before I posted this, I thought I should search google just one last time to pick up anything I might have left off. This site sounds very persuasive. Maybe I should send most of this article or a link to it to the District instead?


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