"Profile In Use" & missing bookmarks problem! someone please help!

    Date: 04/19/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: no keywords

    the other day i was using mozilla and was in the middle of reading something when it just shut down on me.
    i went to re-start it but the 'Choose User Profile' window popped up. (something i had never seen before, nor knew about);
    so i clicked 'Start Firefox' but then i got an error message saying, 'Profile In Use' (how? i didn't have mozilla running?!?)
    so i just made a new profile and it worked.. except all of my bookmarks were gone.

    i've looked and looked but couldn't find any information that would help me with these problems.

    if anyone knows of a solution to this "profile in use" thing, or if you know of a way for me to get my bookmarks from the default profile to this new one, *(importing my IE bookmarks won't help, because the ones i lost are ones that i saved to mozilla.)* then i'd greatly appreciate it, thanks.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/274772.html

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