Halp! Configurability needed!

    Date: 04/24/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: browser

    Crossposted to '[info]'firefoxusers

    My kingdom for a way to banish these raxafraxin'

    "The page you are trying to view contains POSTDATA that has expired from cache. If you resend the data, any action the form carried out (such as a search or online purchase) will be repeated. To resend the data, click OK. Otherwise click cancel."
    dialogue boxes that are forever appearing when I click the "Back" button. I know the page I'm trying to view contains POSTDATA. I don't need the friggin' browser telling me so. I want to go back to the page immediately before the one I'm on, and I don't want to click "Yes, I really, actually, honest-to-grapefruit mean it" every time, nor do I want to do silly dances where I go back three pages then forward two. Is there some way of telling the browser "Never ask this, just always assume I'm behaving deliberately"?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/275728.html

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