TB won't work with Lycos POP mail

    Date: 05/15/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: web

    I've been using Thunderbird for more than a year now and have had *almost* no major problems with it. I've recently decided to use TB to check my Lycos account email.

    I've set up everything according to the mail.lycos.com website (it wasn't anything I couldn't figure out myself anyway) but when TB asks me for my lycos account password, nothing happens. Nothing at all. So when I click "GET MAIL" I get a message like "Sending of password did not succeed: Mail server mail.lycos.com did not respond".

    I checked the Lycos mail website for troubleshooting and found nothing useful. I don't know if the problem is with Thunderbird or with lycos. My password is definetly correct, I'm not typing it wrong or entering the wrong one. And I have a premium account with Lycos so I *am* allowed to use an email client with my lycos mail.

    Does anyone have any suggestions? How can I fix this problem?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/283508.html

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