Netscape Mail eating messages

    Date: 05/17/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: no keywords

    Got a very bizarre, probably very simple problem going on with Netscape
    mail/news v. 7.1 (I think) under WinXP:

    It used to remind the user "Hey, you're working offline" when the user would attempt to send an e-mail written while offline. THen the user could connect to the net, then send the mail. Now, it has for some reason stopped doing that. Instead, the "sent" message seems to disappear. Does anyone know what Netscape Mail does with messages "sent" but unsendable because the user is offline? The "Sent" (but not really sent) mail does not show up in either the "out" or "Drafts" folders.

    There is a 2-hour-long e-mail in the balance here, and I'd really like to
    help my friend not have to redo it.


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