Importing mail accounts from t bird into portable tbird

    Date: 07/30/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hello boys and girls!

    I was wondering if you could give me some pointers here...

    I am attempting to import my mail accounts from thunderbird into thunderbird.

    The Thunderbird I am importing from is a non installed run from the folder version, and I am importing it to the portable run from a thumb drive version.

    I have copied and pasted my mail accounts (several pop and one IMAP) from profile to profile as instructed in the support area of tbird.

    My portable is not seeing the accounts. Well, it is seeing them but they are not showing in the application. The reason I say this is I manually created an account and it named the account folder the next one in succession for that account (pop-server.isp.com5).

    If I have to manually create the accounts and then go back in and repath them to point to the correct account folder I will as a last resort, but like I said I have several accounts (1 IMAP, 5 ISP, 3 gmail, and at least 3 domain accounts per and I own 3 domains) so this will be a bit time consuming.

    My address books imported over correctly for all that is worth btw...

    Thank you for any suggestions you may have.


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