Firefox's Market Share Slides in July

    Date: 08/15/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: security, linux, yahoo, microsoft

    I was taken by suprise this morning, when I read the news that FX's market share shrunk from 8.71 percent in July to 8.07 percent in June. On the other hand, IE grew its market slice to 87.20 in July from 86.56 percent in June. I was under the impression that FX had been receiving a push from the Linux side, attracting the corporate community to its side.

    I wonder if negative publicity of security flaws detected in FX's v.1.0.4. and 1.0.5., scared FX's users to the IE's camp. Some of my friends and colleagues, have commented that they are very positive of new features to be included in next v.1.5. which would probably be announced by late summer. I, for one, am very excited about this upgrade.

    FYI, Total Market Share Percentage is distributed as follows:

    1. Microsoft - Internet Explorer: 87.20
    2. Mozilla - Firefox: 8.07
    3. Apple - Safari: 2.13
    4. AOL - Netscape: 1.50
    5. Opera - Opera: 0.49
    6. Others: 0.61

    Any comments regarding this news?

    If you want to read PC World Magazine's article, please click here:




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