Changing Background Colors for Thunderbird

    Date: 08/17/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: microsoft

    I have been trying with no success, to change the white background of TB's writing panel. Tried two methods:

    1) Using TB's Background Colors: In "Formatting Toolbar" clicking "Choose Color For Background". From a pop-up box you can select the color you want. The selected color is displayed in the writing panel but will not be transferred when you send the e-mail. I have sent trial messages to another of my E-Mail account and the background colors of my TB's messages are all white.

    2) Using Outlook Express Background Colors: Clicked on Format, scrolled down to Page Colors and Background and clicked on it. A box came up and selected "Choose File". Another box pops up to locate stationery that Outlook Express uses. Clicked on the Down arrow in Look In, and selected My Computer. Selected my C drive and got to this folder: >C:\Programs Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery. I clicked on the selected background color to transfer it to TB and later clicked O.K. I can now see the new background color in my monitor; but it won't be transferred to the e-mail receiver.

    None of above methods work. Can you help me out? What am I doing wrong?

    Thanks in advance,



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