Thunderbird crapped on me again

    Date: 08/24/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: no keywords

    I reinstalled Windows recently.... Just got around to reinstalling ThunderBird, and of course, it is BROKEN.

    I am using my pre-existing profile. Deleting my profile is NOT AN OPTION since I have nearly a hundred message filters set up, and several years worth of email archived in dozens of folders.

    I was an IDIOT, however, and actually installed a THEME from the official themes site before. Now, that theme is broken. I have uninstalled all themes, but it ThunderBird still comes up broken, completely unusable, unless I load in Safe Mode.

    There IS NO OPTION to change themes in safe mode. There is an option to uninstall, and I have uninstalled EVERYTHING but the built-in theme, but it persists in being broken.


    I remembered just now this happened BEFORE... and I remembered how to fix it.

    In the profiles directory, rename chrome.rdf to chrome.backup or something. Launch Thunderbird. Close Thunderbird. Restore chrome.rdf from the backup you made. Fixed. It appearently kick-starts it to reread something to do something to rebuild something.


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