Firefox freezing while loading pages

    Date: 09/06/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: browser, spyware

    Ever since about 1.0.5, FireFox has been acting badly on my computer, almost to the point where it is becoming unusable. Whenever a page is in the process of loading - that is, the status bar is reporting anything transferring, the entire application is frozen until the page finishes loading. This means that any tabs loading in the background will freeze the browser, something loading in another window will freeze the browser, etc. I have broadband so pages load quickly, but it's especially painful when a page is waiting to time out, or an image on a page is refusing to load, as the entire time it's waiting for the timeout, my entire browser is unusable.

    I wiped the profile recently and started over, in an attempt to fix this, but it did not help. I am using very few extensions, pretty much the same ones I've been using for years without trouble (Session Saver, Deepest Sender, Image Zoom, etc). However, even disabling extensions doesn't fix the problem.

    It's gotten so bad I'm having to surf using Opera now instead of FireFox because I'm in danger of destroying my keyboard in frustration when I've got to wait nearly a minute just to have my browser do ANYTHING. Sometimes it's so bad, when a page is taking an especially long time to load, that I end up having to kill firefox from task manager.

    Does anyone know what might be causing this? My system IS SPYWARE FREE, so don't even THINK about suggesting that I check for spyware/virii. I have an Athlon64 3500+ with 2 GB ram, so system performance is not an issue.

    Anybody ever have this problem before?

    (EDIT: I'm suspecting network drivers are wierd at this moment... it may be a windows problem like that, because I see it *sometimes* in other programs it seems.... but ALL the time in FireFox. I would update network drivers, but the newest drivers from Windows Update have are very unstable for my system (cause crashes) so I had to roll back to what was on my motherboard CD...)


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