Firefox is Back on the Rise

    Date: 09/15/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: browser, microsoft

    After a slight South turn in July, Firefox is bouncing back in August. According to an article written by Judy Westcott in, Firefox is back on the rise; jumping up a quarter point in August 2005, while Netscape and Safari also enjoyed a modest bump in overall usage. Judy Westcott based her article on statistics released today by NetApplications.

    In August 2005, Microsoft's Internet Explorer continued its slow, yet steady decline in browser usage market share. IE enjoyed 92.31% market share in October of 2004, but is currently at 86.31%. Firefox attempted to regain its momentum with a modest increase in share from the previous month, and Safari maintained its slow, yet steady gains, improving to 2.20%. Meanwhile, Netscape abruptly stopped its steady market share loss and posted the biggest share gain during August, up from 1.50% to 2.02%.

    August Browser/Market Share:

    Microsoft Internet Explorer: 86.31%
    Firefox: 8.27%
    Safari: 2.20%
    Netscape: 2.02%
    Opera: 0.62%
    Mozilla: 0.51%
    Other: 0.07%



    Firefox isn't the only interesting story in August, with Safari and Netscape on the rise, Internet Explorer faced an offensive on three separate fronts.

    NetApplications reported in a news release that in August 2005, Microsoft's Internet Explorer continued its slow, yet steady decline in browser usage market share. IE enjoyed 92.31% market share in October of 2004, but is currently at 86.31%. Firefox attempted to regain its momentum with a modest increase in share from the previous month, and Safari maintained its slow, yet steady gains, improving to 2.20%. Meanwhile, Netscape abruptly stopped its steady market share loss and posted the biggest share gain during August, up from 1.50% to 2.02%.

    Firefox isn't the only interesting story in August, with Safari and Netscape on the rise, Internet Explorer faced an offensive on three separate fronts, noted Phil Vizzaccaro, CEO of NetApplications. While Firefox rebounded after its small decline in July and Safari enjoyed a modest tenth of a percent gain, August was Netscape's month to shine earning just over a half percent. The Mozilla Foundation also recently announced the availability of its new Firefox 1.5 Beta.


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