Improved Firefox 1.0.7 and Mozilla 1.7.12 Release Candidates

    Date: 09/18/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: html, xml, security, web

    "The Mozilla Quality weblog has details of a new round of Mozilla Firefox 1.0.7 and Mozilla 1.7.12 release candidates. These latest test builds include a fix for bug 308484, which changes the behaviour of XMLHttpRequest to improve compatibility with extensions. The weblog post has information about the areas to test."

    "Mozilla Firefox 1.0.7 and Mozilla 1.7.12 are security updates designed to fix the IDN link buffer overflow vulnerability and several other security flaws. They will also include stability improvements and some fixes for regressions introduced by previous security updates. The final 1.0.7 and 1.7.12 releases are expected in a few days."

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