mozilla to firefox...

    Date: 10/22/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: browser, asp, google

    i've been a mozilla user for a while now. (before that i used netscape. (and of course before that i used ie.))
    i thorougly enjoy the tabbed browsing aspect of the browser.

    anyway, i'm trying to make the switch over to firefox, because support for mozilla is waning.

    besides not having the composer, my main complaint with mozilla is that i cannot figure out how to make it load new links on tabs in the background. i have it set to load links on new tabs in the same window... but it makes the new page over top of what i'm doing. i want it to open a tab in the background.
    i'm pretty sure it's not something having to do with the options because i have checked and double checked that, but it is possible i am missing something. if it is there, where is it?
    if it isn't something in the options, is it something i can change some other way?

    oh, and another complaint is that i can't search google just by entering stuff in the address bar and moving down to the search google option. but i've been trying to train myself to use the google search field instead, but i just don't like it.
    is there any way i can set the address bar to do google searches like mozilla does?


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