Unable to open new window

    Date: 10/30/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: browser, google

    Having some issues with firefox, in that I cannot open a new window/instance of firefox. I know that this is due to an extension problem, as starting in safe mode solves the problem - although I'd obviously like to use my extensions. As such, I'd definitely like to figure out which extension(s) is/are causing the problem. The thing is, I have quite a few extensions, which are: All-in-one Gestures, Tabbrowser Preferences, PDF Download, Gmail Notifier, IE view, Countdown Clock extension, SwiftTabs, Download Statusbar, Greasemonkey, Firesomething, Autohide, DictionarySearch, GooglePreview, Copy Plain Text, Zoomy, Bookmark Backup, Fusion, HashColoured Tabs, Read Easily, Forecast Fox, StumbleUpon, Adblock, Adblock Filterset.G Updater and Customize Google. I've uninstalled-reinstalled, rebooted, swore a lot, etc and still do not know what is causing the issue.

    Also, when closing Firefox, it does not actually end the process. I close Firefox, and look in the process list - it is still listed, and taking more memory than it normally would. Also, due to the fact that I am unable to open a new window/instance, I of course cannot open Firefox again until I end-task the frozen instance in the process tree.

    Any ideas?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/333819.html

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