Thunderbird: blank lines quoting

    Date: 11/17/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: html, google

    Hello everyone.

    Is there any tweak or extension that can help me make Thunderbird (I use 1.5 20051025) stop quoting blank (empty) lines? I think that quoting them is useless.

    For example, I want the following message piece:
    -- cut --
    >> blah! blah!
    > Yah-yah! Blah is cool

    Yes, I think that blah is cool too

    And yah is cool as well
    -- /cut --

    to be quoted as:

    -- cut --
    >>> blah! blah!
    >> Yah-yah! Blah is cool
    > Yes, I think that blah is cool too
    > And yah is cool as well
    -- /cut --

    And if anyone knows the way to make Thunderbird insert a space right after the quoting sign ('>') that will be great as well. The text right after the > looks ugly. I.e. I want to have:

    -- cut --
    >> Quote 1
    > Quote 2
    -- /cut --
    instead of:
    -- cut --
    >>Quote 1
    >Quote 2
    -- /cut --

    This applies to the messages sent only.
    I use plain-text, not html.

    I've searched the google, forums, faqs and knowledge base trying to find some solution to these issues but in vain.

    Any help, hint or advice will be GREATLY appreciated.


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