"Performancing"; an elegant blog agent with problems

    Date: 12/28/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: web

    *This is the first time I actually use Performancing, so apologies for any glitches. BTW: Pretty kewl how it manages to post to LJ, nae?!!*

    Here's what I posted this morning. Point is that (ok, I could have dragged and dropped ... which, really, is aweful kewl, but still ...) I couldn't just click to have the item appear the way I can with my blogger bookmarklet. K, here's my post:

    bentrem's blog | Performancing.com

    bentrem's picture [NB: true drag/drop would have included the source for the img ... and it didn't ... meh]
    Submitted by bentrem on Wed, 2005-12-28 12:17. :: Performancing Firefox Blog
    Right off the bat I have to say I'm impressed with P/FF's design ... very elegant ... makes me want to get back into XUL.

    But, also right off the bat I have to quibble with usability. F8 is handy, clicking the "pencil icon" is handy ... and neither blog the page title and URL. To do that I have to rightclick / select / click ... either on the page or on the icon.

    1st, since F8 is there to call up the editor starkly, and since a rightclick menu item could be added to call it up in stark mode, I suggest that clicking the icon should blog the present page.

    2nd, in the spirit of Web2.0, I think that sort of functionality should be configurable; since I care, I'm willing to go through to maybe a 3rd or even 4th level of menu ... once ... to have the default behaviour match (for example) the del.icio.us button and blogger.com bookmarklet I click to tag and blog.
    [... salutation deleted]

    What do y'all think?
    [NB: this /should/ have gone here directly, if'[info]'mozilla had appeared on the blog list, which it didn't. *sigh*]

    Haaaaaaaa ... the list of LJ communities I can post to is truncated [i.e. this one didn't appear] as well as being in very broken alpha-numeric order.


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/344558.html

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